At CBLS, we support institutions, businesses and individuals in their efforts to improve accessibility for Deaf and hard of hearing people with a wide range of high-quality linguistic services.


CBLS developed a LSQ Glossary for Deaf students in Sciences, technology and mathematics.


Our new LSQ skills assessment system, ÉvaLSQ, has been available to the public since January 2021.


Learn more about how CB Linguistic Services started.

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CBLS developed a LSQ Glossary for Deaf students in Sciences, technology and mathematics.

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Quebec Sign Language (LSQ) and American Sign Language (ASL) courses registrations are now open for the 2021 Winter term.

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About us


CBLS support institutions, businesses and individuals in their efforts to improve accessibility for Deaf and hard of hearing people with a wide range of high-quality linguistic services.

We have the services you need

With a versatile, dynamic team, we are ready and available to meet your unique needs.

Quebec Sign Language (LSQ)

With our team of Deaf and qualified LSQ instructors, we offer online LSQ courses (group, private or corporate courses), an LSQ skills assessment (ÉvaLSQ) and professional development training.


Thanks to our team of linguistic researchers, instructors and experts, we offer a range of research, development and consultation services, from feasibility studies to personalized training according to the accessibility expectations of our clients, as well as sign language linguistics consulting services.


Our team of language experts are at your service, offering translation, writing, transcription and linguistic revision services in four languages: French, English, Quebec Sign Language (LSQ) and American Sign Language (ASL).

Discover our LSQ services

LSQ Courses

LSQ courses got launched since Fall 2020 and we will continue to provide them in the next months. Keep your eyes peeled on social media to register for the upcoming 2022 Spring Session.


Our new LSQ proficiency evaluation system, ÉvaLSQ, has been open to public since January 2021. It is available to all those who want to know their LSQ proficiency and set learning or development goals. 

Professional Development for LSQ Interpreters

Intended for LSQ interpreters who are always looking for professional development and continued learning opportunities. It will be available soon. Contact us for more information.


Caroline Hould

Working with CBLS means having the conviction to work with an upstanding team to support the Deaf community, accessibility and Quebec Sign Language. It also means being surrounded by the best people, who believe in you, which helps you to keep learning all the time. Working with CBLS also means being involved in various interesting and validating projects, knowing that, in the end, the team wants to offer services with excellent standards of quality.

“Always aim for the moon, because even if you fail, you land in the stars.” -Oscar Wilde

Caroline Hould
O.T. Project Coordinator

Latest articles

The Deaf Ottawans Equals in Every Respect Awareness Campaign: A Year Later

The Deaf Ottawans Equals in Every Respect Awareness Campaign: A Year Later

The goal of this campaign was to promote this community, which is often overlooked and is in fact a Deaf minority within a Francophone minority in Ottawa. As with all languages, LSQ does not stand on its own. It is an integral part of a culture, a community, a history and traditions. Understanding the uniqueness of Franco-Ottawan Deaf people comes down to understanding and fully grasping their history, as well as the importance of historic sites that have profoundly transformed their lives and their language. 

Deaf Culture 

Deaf Culture 

You have probably heard that Deaf people don’t like to be referred to as people with disabilities and that they don’t consider themselves primarily as having a “handicap” or a “disability”, or as people “suffering” from “deafness”. But why? What exactly makes deaf people different? The answer has to do with culture and identity.