The 10th International Deaf Academics and Researchers Conference took place from June 19th to 23rd, 2021 as a virtual congress. The theme of this event was Strengthening Deaf Academics and Researchers Agora. The Agora is this space where we meet, in our deaf diversity, in order to exchange, to learn from each other and to develop different perspectives. It also represents the physical and virtual spaces that connect Deaf academics and researchers, and which enable collaborations and dissemination of the knowledge.
Taking place every two years at different corners of the world, this conference creates a space to discover research studies from our various disciplines an create opportunities for intra and interdisciplinary encounters (for example, Arts & Literature, or STEM – Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics).
The organization committee consisted of:
- Véro Leduc, Professor, Department of Social and Public Communication, University of Quebec in Montreal
- Daz Saunders, PhD student, Department of Linguistics, University of Quebec in Montreal
- Theara Yim, postgraduate student in pedagogy of higher education at University of Sherbrooke
- Cynthia Benoit, CBLS’s Executive Director and Event Coordinator
- Charline Savard, Logistics Coordinator, CBLS
- Audrey Beauchamp, Marketing Coordinator, CBLS
CBLS team also wishes to recognize the great contribution of Dr. Annelies Kusters, a postdoctoral researcher in the Department of Sociocultural Diversity at the Max Planck Institute for the Study of Religious and Ethnic Diversity. To learn more about one of his research projects: Deaf mobilities across international borders: visualising intersectionality and translanguaging (MobileDeaf)’ (2017-2022), click here.
Thank you, Annelies!