An awareness campaign to spotlight the French Ottawa Deaf community

An awareness campaign to spotlight the French Ottawa Deaf community

Thanks to a micro-grant from the Association of francophone communities of Ottawa (Association des communautés francophones d’Ottawa – ACFO) (ACFO) as part of the Bilingual Ottawa Project, funded by the Government of Canada, CBLS was able to conduct an awareness campaign on the linguistic reality of the francophone Deaf and hard of hearing community in Ottawa. Various information about this community, especially its history, its culture, and its leaders, were posted during the week, one day at a time.

  • Day 1 – Spotlight on the French Ottawa Deaf community
  • Day 2 – The pioneers of the French Ottawa Deaf community, Roger St-Louis and Serge Brière
  • Day 3 – Organizations for the French Deaf in Ottawa, RESO and CCJL
  • Day 4 – Deaf art in Ottawa, with Jonathan Poulin-Desbiens and SPiLL PROPagation
  • Day 5 – Deaf sports in Ottawa, with David Joseph
  • Day 6 – French Deaf youth leaders in Ottawa, Dimitri Jean-Paul, Marie-Josée Blier, and Imane Moussa
  • Day 7 – How to become an ally?

This project was created in close collaboration with several members of the team. To learn more, click here.